Occupancy and Use Order# 01-14-11-00-02
United States Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service
Custer Gallatin National Forest
Beartooth, Bozeman, Gardiner, Hebgen Lake, and Yellowstone Ranger Districts
Pursuant to Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 261.50 (a) and (b), the following acts are prohibited on the Beartooth, Bozeman, Gardiner, Hebgen Lake, and Yellowstone Ranger Districts of the Custer Gallatin National Forest. Definitions of terms used in support of the restrictions are also included as (Attachment A). The area affected is depicted on the attached map (Attachment B). This Order is effective March 1 through December 1, annually, until rescinded.
Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50 ( e) the following persons are exempt from this Order:
Exhibit A
Special Order—Food Storage and Sanitation
1. “Food, refuse and other attractants” means any substance, solid or liquid or refuse (excluding water, baled hay, or hay cubes without additives), which is or may be eaten or otherwise taken into the body to sustain health or life, provide energy, or promote growth of any person or animal. Also includes items such as soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, canned foods, pet foods, processed livestock feed and grains, personal hygiene products, and empty food and beverage containers.
2. “Animal carcass” means the dead body or parts thereof, of any harvested mammal, bird, or fish, including the head or skull plate with antlers or horns and hide or cape of big game animals and any domestic livestock that may be found in the restricted area. Packaged or prepared animal carcass products transported into the restricted area for consumption, game birds, small mammals, or fish harvested for consumption in the restricted area are considered food under the previous definition.
3. “Burnable attractants” include items such as food leftovers, waste products, food grease or residue, food saturated containers or other substances that will not be completely consumed by fire. To be completely consumed, there must be no residual attractant on the surface or in the soil. These items shall not be buried, discarded or burned in an open campfire, unless placed in a suitable container (i.e. tin can or fire pan) to prevent leaching into the ground, and burned over an open campfire. Any remaining attractants unconsumed by burning shall be placed with other garbage, acceptably stored and packed out.
4. “Acceptably stored” means: