If the webcams don’t come up below, use these links: West Yellowstone Area Webcam Gardiner Area Webcam
Tribal Game Wardens will patrol the hunt area and assist in the enforcement of all applicable hunting and hunter laws. Wardens will also respond to bison hunt emergencies. Hunters may also contact the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Dispatch (for areas west of Yellowstone National Park) or the Park County Sheriff’s Dispatch (for areas north of Yellowstone National Park) in the event of an emergency.
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will not direct hunters to the location of bison in the field or assist with the field dressing and retrieval of bison.
Tribal Game Warden Information:
Dan McClure, Chief
Brandon Couture, Sergeant
Willie Burke, Sergeant
Paden Alexander
Darwin Parker
Tom Haynes
Garrett Fenton
TR3     (406) 241-3345
Tribal Game Warden Office Number: 883-2888 ext. 7270
Other Emergency Contacts:
1-800-TIP-MONT --- 1-800-847-6668
Hebgen Lake Ranger District 406-823-6961
Gallatin County Sheriff’s Dispatch: 406-582-2124
Gardiner Ranger District 406-848-7376
Park County Sheriff’s Dispatch: 406-222-4172
The Division of Fish, Wildlife, Recreation and Conservation is open Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Bison hunt hot line
For updated bison availability from the field, call the bison hunt information hot line at 406-275-2848.
This is a Treaty Hunt and bad choices made by individuals and their actions can jeopardize our Treaty Rights and the bison hunt for other Tribes and the State as well. During the past bison hunt seasons, numerous incidents and violations have occurred with hunters. Be advised that the Crow Tribe will now start hunting, making your awareness more critical. Please carefully review these main regulations and updates:
Gardiner Bison Hunt Restriction for 2021-22 Hunt Season
(Note: These Rules do not apply for hunting all of the Gardiner Basin, these rules Only apply for hunting within the Beattie Gulch Special Management Area)
Due to continued hunter and public safety concerns for hunter activity in Beattie Gulch, the MOU hunt agencies have agreed to manage their hunters to improve safety in the Beattie Gulch site with 5 hunters per agency each day or hunt period. Each participating government will be required to have a game warden present each day that they have their 5 hunters at the Beattie Gulch Special Permit Hunt Area and the warden will be acting as the lead person to direct their hunter's activity and to coordinate with the other wardens/tribal hunters each day they hunt.
The selection process for CSKT hunters to be authorized for the special management hunt area will be conducted as follows:
Welcome to the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’
Off-Reservation Bison Hunt Web-Based Orientation.
We encourage you to read the materials on every page
of this website and watch the Powerpoint.
Remember, this is a Treaty Hunt. Bad choices made by you or another individual in your group can jeopardize our Tribes’ treaty rights and those of other tribes as well. So it is crucial that you hunt in an ethical way and abide by all Tribal, state and federal regulations governing hunting, camping, and any other activities you are engaged in. As you go through the materials on this website, if you find material you want to print a hard copy of to refer to later, just click on the printer icon () at the bottom of each page.